S&P 500 is Heading to 6,890

Christian DeHaemer

Written By Christian DeHaemer

Posted May 25, 2024

S&P 500

Brit Ryle put out a bullish argument in one of his latest articles.  He wrote:

“If you peg the start date from last March, right after the mini-bank crisis, this bull market is 14 months old. If you calculate it from November when Fed Chair Powell promised interest cuts this year, then the bull market is only 6 months old. 

The good people at Bespoke Investments say the average bull market lasts around 3 years. There is room for stocks to run, and keep running. It is time to make hay (and money).”

Three-year bull markets tend to return about 30%, putting us at 6800 on the S&P 500.

Read the whole thing here: https://www.outsiderclub.com/here-is-why-you-buy-now/

Other things I’m reading:

Fat teens and new drugs: https://www.yahoo.com/news/prescriptions-ozempic-similar-drugs-600-155907967.html

Jeeps are dropping in price: https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/stellantis-dealerships-rams-jeeps-demand-sales-087b514c?mod=hp_lead_pos2

Too many houses?



All the best,
Christian DeHaemer

Outsider Club